I was looking through Luke's computer, minding my own business, which actually turned out to be almost true because look what I found in a file marked jpugs. The above is but one example, there were many, many more. Are you familiar with the expression, "You ever feel like you are being watched?" I am not sure if that is an expression but it seems apropos. I did not have that feeling yet apparently I have been watched. A lot. #creepy #notsurehowifeel #kindaflattered
I was looking through Luke's computer, minding my own business, which actually turned out to be almost true because look what I found in a file marked jpugs. The above is but one example, there were many, many more. Are you familiar with the expression, "You ever feel like you are being watched?" I am not sure if that is an expression but it seems apropos. I did not have that feeling yet apparently I have been watched. A lot. #creepy #notsurehowifeel #kindaflattered -
People, Homo sapiens, rely on assumptions. Many aren't sure if there is a difference between assumptions and truth. For instance, this morning I was listening to the radio - I tend to listen more during political races as I am a well known political junkie - and someone was interviewing people in the American south. One woman said faith was the most important issue when choosing a president. She said she just can't support Obama because this country shouldn't be under Muslim leadership. Then a gentleman said that Obama is not qualified to be in office because his father was Kenyan. He quoted a non existent passage from the Constitution. I realize this is like when Leno interviews people and asks easy questions and edits out the correct answers to prove how stupid people are. But it does support the assumption that Southerners are stupid. And republicans too. Although it does seem like many republicans somehow use facts as proof that the opposite is true. For example the fact "President Obama is a Christian," therefore he is a Muslim. Maybe these Republicans think if he is a Christian why does he have to keep saying it - doth he protest too much? Like when a Christian minister preaches anti-gay rhetoric because he is gay. I admit it - I am liberal in many aspects, particularly sexual aspects. I have been known to hump a shoe for an hour. The old saying, "If it moves I'll fuck it," does not apply to me. "If it doesn't move I'll fuck it," is more my speed.
Excuse my French.0Add a comment
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I for one am not going to fly until congress comes to its senses. As you may have guessed, I am not only a yellow dog but I am also a Yellow Dog Democrat. Tax and spend is my policy; particularly when it comes to public safety.0
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For the third consecutive year my ears were voted Best Dog Ears in the Midwest. The criteria are suppleness, softness, and color. The judge holds an ear between her thumb and forefinger while a nurse takes her pulse. Points are scored based on how quickly her pulse lowers and by what percentage her heartbeat slows.
Runners up were Bodie, a Bloodhound from Kankakee and Misty of Beaumont, an Italian Greyhound from Milwaukee.0Add a comment
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